Celebrate Christmas with us


carol service. 20 DeC. 2:30-3:30pm

You can still watch our virtual carol service, broadcast on Sunday 20 December.



Did you know that the Bible describes a dragon at the nativity? Join us on Christmas morning to find out what Jesus has got to do with dragons and why it’s the best news ever!

There is no “in-person” meeting on Christmas Day.


Sunday 27th Dec. 10:00-11:00am

Join us for our Sunday service on our YouTube channel, as we reflect on our response to Christmas. How have you responded this Christmas to Jesus, the rightful king of your life?

We will look at Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 2, where some wise men from the East come to worship Jesus, and King Herod tries to kill Jesus. In the nativity of life, which character would you be?

There is no “in-person” meeting on Sunday 27 December.