what is church membership?

The New Testament does not envisage a Christian who is a loner and not part of any local church. Fellowship, learning, service and relationships in a committed, local church context are the natural outflow of the new birth and a necessary sign of spiritual life. 

You can read more about the biblical basis for church membership, and why we have a formal membership, here.

Church members commit to loving and serving Christ and each other. The privileges and responsibilities of members are set out here.

Church membership identifies those who are committed to the local church and subject to its care and discipline. You can read more about who can join the church here.

How can I join the church?

If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of the church, please contact one of the elders either in person or by emailing us at info@binfieldfreechurch.org.

We would love to talk through church membership with you.